Soon after I took a pregnancy test with Chapter 2 [actually, I took about 5], I learned baby’s due date would be … [Read more...]
How Dad Can Help With Breastfeeding
Before Joey was born, there was NO question in my mind about his initial nutrition: I was going to breastfeed. I think … [Read more...]
Gift for Coffee Lovers
Today marks the last day Joey goes to childcare. I have a lot of mixed emotions about this, as I know he's enjoyed his … [Read more...]
Holiday Traditions Memory Book
While the saying goes "a picture is worth a thousand words," I believe a hand-written memory is worth a thousand more! I … [Read more...]
7 Healthy Holiday Eating Strategies
One down, only two more to go! I used to have that attitude towards the holidays at a time when I was more concerned … [Read more...]
When Your Child Prefers Eating Carbohydrates
Welcome to my new blog series, Mom to Mom, where I’ll rehash the ups and down’s of life [weekly], pretending that you … [Read more...]
How to Use Pinterest for Meal Planning
When I first started using Pinterest, I would pin every recipe under the sun that looked delicious. Since my days of … [Read more...]
5 Must-Have Baby Registry Items
A friend of mine recently emailed me and asked what my top 5 baby registry, can’t-live-without items were. Instead of … [Read more...]
Eating to Boost Your Energy
With the “fall back” time change and colder weather upon us, you might find yourself reaching for an extra cup of coffee … [Read more...]
Eating Out with a Baby or Toddler
Shortly after becoming a family of three, I soon realized that my love for cooking had some stiff competition: dining … [Read more...]