I realize it’s ironic that I talk about food and weight and health and happiness for a living and I’m about to share with you an insecurity that involves all of those things and my own body. But there’s something about this pregnancy that has been making weight gain [the thought of and the actual happening of] really hard for me. While I know a healthy weight for Mom means a healthy, happy baby, it doesn’t make the feeling of “extra” on one’s body easier. I can’t help but be extra sensitive about the weight because this time around I’m having a girl. Which makes me feel even worse about my weight gain insecurity, because that’s the last thing I want for ANY of my children, regardless of their gender.
I hadn’t really noticed my weight gain until I went for my 27-week appointment this past week. Since I’ve been pregnant with Joey, I’ve asked nurses and doctors NOT to tell me my weight. But this time, I saw a new doctor, and he just nonchalantly shared the amount I’ve gained thus far and what my current weight was. Needless to say, I immediately became insecure and was holding back the tears. I’m practically at the weight I was right before Joey was delivered! Having been pregnant the past 3 years there really hasn’t been a chance to lose ALL the baby weight. I’d like to think it’s all the muscle I’ve gained from carrying two toddlers and getting them in and out of the house and car, but that’s wishful thinking. Could it be my pregnancy eating habits? Yes. Could it be I’m working out when I can, vs. 5-6 times a week like I did when I was pregnant with the boys? Yes. But it could also just be how my body is responding to carrying a new baby. All babies are different, and the same goes for how Mom’s body responds to the pregnancy as well.
It feels selfish to complain or vent about this topic. Heck, there’s thousands of women out there who would probably love to add a few pounds to their bodies if that meant they could carry a healthy baby. And in the grand scheme of things, I know how this weight thing works [as reminded by a friend]. I’ve lost it before, and gained it back again because that’s what my body and my babies need. But alas, this is a season in time, and someday I’ll miss being pregnant. And my hope is that if and when I’m helping one of my children with weight insecurities, I can hold them and let them know too this is a season in time. And we’ll all get through it together. Healthy, and happy!
I’m almost positive I’m not alone here with this pregnancy insecurity. So I’d love to hear from you. What do you do to keep pregnancy emotions about weight in check? For me, I’m surrounding myself with positive people. People who support me and sweet little sis. Those who don’t judge that bowl of cereal before bed OR those who want to accompany me to a weekly barre class.
Amy says
I’m pregnant with my second baby and this time is definitely different. I’m only 10 weeks, but I already feel soft in the middle. I am not exercising as much as my first pregnancy and I’m also having more nausea and cravings. I am eating a lot more throughout the day because it helps my nausea. I also have recovered from anorexia and my body insecurities like to sneak back in whenever they can. Right now, I am focused on feeling good and having a healthy baby. I try to tell myself that at the end of the day, no one really cares what I weigh or what I look like. My 22 month old certainly doesn’t care one bit!
Abigail says
I love this blog post and I adore & respect your honesty! I am not pregnant yet but would like to be in the next year, I know this will inevitably be on my mind and am so thankful you brought this up in such a beautiful way! Still loving your blog!!!!???
Karli says
After going through some fertility treatments and being on hormones (none of which worked for us), I had put on more weight than I wanted. I didn’t have time to get it off before we miraculously conceived our little guy. So I started off heavier than I ever would have wanted. 🙁
I’ve been really conscious of my food choices and have been trying hard not to use pregnancy as an excuse to pig out. I ask about my weight every appointment and, for me, I have a sense of joy that I’m keeping it in line with my doctors recommendation. It’s one but of control I feel like I have in this crazy journey. No dieting but just smart eating.
I also hope these smart choices are setting me up for a healthy weight loss journey once he’s here.
P.S. You are beautiful and amazing. And if I know you at all, I know you’ll be able to bounce back no matter what!!
Aggie says
I had the hardest time during my pregnancies with this same thing. I gained 40-45 lbs with each baby and I now realize, it’s just the way it was supposed to be. I enjoyed my share of pizza, ice cream and all that jazz and I’m glad I did. After my third it took me a good year to get back to where I could work out regularly again (with energy) and now I am stronger than I was before I ever had babies. It’s so hard to deal with it during the pregnancy though…I totally get it. All I can say is…you are healthy, beautiful and will be back to your happy weight in no time – you know the drill! 🙂 xoxo
Kat says
It’s so hard to get your heart and your mind in sync about this. I’m 26 weeks into my second pregnancy and was really distressed about showing and getting so much bigger so much sooner than with my first, and about not having time to exercise nearly as much as the first time around. Also, strangers say the darndest things to pregnant women! I’m sure your weight gain is right on target, and you look great in the pictures you’ve posted! My doctor never worries about my weight, even when I gained ten pounds in 5 weeks, so I try to let that be my guide. I know what you mean – I feel selfish complaining about anything pregnancy related when I have friends who are unable to conceive. But I also think it’s ok to admit that pregnancy is hard! You are absolutely right that this is just a short time, and I believe praying for God’s help to lift these worries does work.
Gina says
Toward the tail end of my pregnancy, I went in to the Dr. one week and hadn’t gained a pound. The next week, I had gained 7. Like, wha?! I about cried, too! It’s really hard in this society – when even thin pregnancies can be praised online – to know your weight gain is healthy. The other day I saw something about a gal who was 8 months pregnant and still had abdominal muscles! : shaking head : Like, that may be fine for her, but that’s not what my body needed to do! And it’s not what your body needs either. You are beautiful and healthy and this baby girl is going to be, too!
PS: Thanks for your honesty in this post. Most of us would be lying if we said the amount of weight we gained during pregnancy wasn’t a stressor for us. 🙂