Today’s post is brought to you by my friend and fellow dietitian, Corinne Dobbas [see bio below]. Besides having a smile that light’s up a room, Corinne is one of the most positive people I have ever had the chance to connect with. She’s here today to share some simple ways people like me and you [stressed out, coffee stained clothes moms] can find time for the most important person in our lives: US! So enjoy that semi-warm cup of coffee and come along on a self-love journey with Corinne….
If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance you have little ones at home. There’s also an extremely high probability that you feel like you have no time for you. Between the laundry, grocery shopping, meal “planning” and prep, cooking, driving, emails, texts, cleaning, and keeping the kids alive – not to mention having time with your husband + a social life – how in the world are you supposed to find time for yourself?
But even when putting on something other than yoga pants in the morning is a far stretch, there are a few super simple ways that you can incorporate some “me” time into your day. They don’t require a lot of time, but they do require some thoughtfulness and self-care. And since you’re a mom, I know you know (for a fact) how important care is. So make the effort and begin to show yourself a little more self-love. So let’s get some ideas, so you can get that oxygen mask on and start caring for yourself.
A quick calming breathing exercise:
:: Exhale all of the air out of your mouth
:: Seal your lips and take a long inhale through your nose, counting to 5
:: Hold your breath for 5 seconds
:: Exhale for 5 full seconds through your mouth
:: Repeat 3-5 times
2.) Set an intention for your day
As a Mom, it’s easy to feel like you’re losing the connection with your soul self aka your deeper self. The self that thinks about your dreams, wants, desires, and big plans. Reconnect and refocus by starting off each day with an intention. How do you want to show up today? What’s your mini-goal? What’s important to you – today? Taking – literally – 2 minutes each morning to do this will allow you to center yourself and feel more grounded and perhaps even be more focused to achieve your day’s intention. After all, what we put out into the world usually comes back at us in some way or another – so start each morning off with some good vibes.
Get a big glass (or plastic) jar, put it in a visible place, and make it a practice to put a post-it note or index card in the jar with something you’re truly grateful for each day. A gratitude practice seems to be the hip thing to do these days, but for good reason. Research is showing that those who have a gratitude practice have stronger immune systems, lower blood pressure, feel less lonely and isolated, act with more compassion, and experience more joy, optimism, and happiness. Now who doesn’t want that? The best thing about the “grateful jar” is that you can get your whole family to do it too. And when you’re feeling down, you can pull out one of your gratitude notes for an instant boost.
If the jar isn’t your thing, you can always get a journal and bullet point something you’re grateful for or use an app, like Gratitude!
4.) Start a self-love practice
Daily, write down one thing you love about yourself. It can range from anything from your personality to something you accomplished that day to your physical self to your emotional self. Do it in a jar, a journal, or app. However you decide to do it is up to you, but I promise that if you do do this daily – even though it may seem cheesy or weird at first – it will dramatically change your outlook and perspective and allow you to feel more self-worth and self-love.
One of the simplest templates to do this with grace is:
I notice ____________. And I’ve been feeling _______________. I need ________________. Would you be willing to _______________?
An example: I notice when we’re together and you’re always on your phone, I feel frustrated, disappointed, and lonely. I need more connection, respect and consideration. Would you be willing to be on your phone less when we’re together?
By practicing these 5 steps for “me” time, I promise that you’ll feel healthier and happier and that you’ll be able to better care for those around you. You know that little blurb on every beginning flight where they basically say that you need to put your oxygen mask on first before you can help others around you? Well, it’s true. You can only give others the care they truly need when you’re caring for yourself.
Polly says
Thanks for sharing this! As a new mom to an 8 week old, I’m struggling to find balance and time for myself. Sometimes I forget that just stopping and breathing can help me be more relaxed instead of feeling overwhelmed.